A baseball player is swinging at the ball.

Sports Management

CMT works with sports organizations in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Europe, providing customized solutions for all your needs. Whether you're traveling to an event or hosting one yourself we are here to assist every step of the way.

And we work with groups of all sizes. Let us know how we can help you and your organization today.

Collegiate Sports

We assist with hotel and transportation needs at no cost. We work with each team individually to assess their needs and offer the following standard requests.

Large-Scale Sporting Events

Much like collegiate teams, we provide similar services for large-scale events at no cost. We offer additional services to assist larger-scale events customized to your needs.

A soccer field with lights on the side of it.


If you're ready for us to start sourcing hotels for your upcoming team travel? Simply click the button below and select the questionnaire pertaining to your sport.